Friday 22 April 2011


       I like this story but I know another…
       Which one?
       ¨The Tortoise and the Hare¨
         What is it about?

B- The Tortoise and the Hare
v      TORTOISE: Catalina
v      HARE: Mariano
v      CHARACTERS: : flamingo: Selena / Beaver: Alejo / Deer: Mili / frogs: Juan and Joaquín  / eagle: Facundo / Beaver: Alejo
v      STORY TELLERS: Leandro / Camila
v      DESCRIPTION: Children 3
v      MORAL: Agostina / Savina

v      Leandro: Today is a beautiful spring afternoon and the animals are playing together near the river. Suddenly, the hare starts talking to some of his friends:
v      The Hare ( I’m a very good runner -  I can run very fast / I´m  the fastest animal in the forest)
v      Deer: really! I can't believe it! I know the cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world but they don't live here! Perhaps you are right.
v      The hare: in the forest there are many animals but they are not as fast as I am
v      The tortoise: don't forget me!
v      The hare ha ha! You can't run. You are the slowest animals in the forest. You are slower than a  snail.
v      The tortoise: if you want,  we can have a race!
v      The hare: what? Ha ha! ok,  see you at 03:00 pm next to the cottage
v      Camila: all the animals are very excited
v      The flamingo to the beaver you must come and see the race! For you, who is the winner? The rabbit, of course. Maybe, but don't forget that the tortoise is determined and never gives up Yes could be but she is very slow
v      Frogs: you must come and see the race! I am very happy, something interesting to see        you are right! It's cool! I am bored with our daily routine in this pond Let’s look for the best places (together)
v      The eagle: (flying) why are all those animals together? (to herself) Eagle to flamingo: What's going on? There is a race between the hare and the tortoise and we are very anxious! I ´m going to see it from the air. This is the first time I am going to see a race like this.It's not my first time but it is going to be very very interesting!
v      Leandro: It is three o'clock. It's time for the race
v       Beaver (Alejo): ready, steady and go!
v      Leandro: and the hare runs ahead so quickly that the other animals can't see him. The tortoise walks slowly and surely. The hare can't see the tortoise
v      Hare: He is so slowly. I can stop and wait for him
v      Camila: The hare sits down under a big tree and waits for the tortoise and … he goes to sleep. The tortoise walks slowly and surely and he passes the hare
v      Leandro: She can see the line
v      Frog (Juan) : Look! here comes the tortoise
v      Leandro: The hare wakes up but it is too late. The tortoise is the winner!
v      Tortoise: Slowly and surely that's how I win the race!

    Savina: what a wonderful story! But I don't really understand the meaning of it
    It's very easy! Never give up and do your best from the beginning to the end. It may prove that someone who seems to be more skilled at something may not be
    Ah! Now I understand! This is a good moral to apply in our lives


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