Thursday 24 November 2011



  • What is your favourite kind of music?
  • What is your favourite band? Why?
  • What is it like?
  • How many members are there in it?
  • What musical instruments are there in the band?
  • Who is the lead singer?
  • What's your favourite song?
  • Have you ever been to a concert?
  • Would you like to go?
  • Compare its kind of music with other kinds of music. For example compare classical music with pop/ rock/ etc
  • What do the singers and musicians wear in concerts?
  • Are there any special effects?
  • Which is the most exciting show you have ever seen?
  • Was the sound distorted?


Tuesday 22 November 2011



                             Future Indefinite. 1.

1. Put the verb to be into Future Indefinite, translate the sentences.
  1. He … a student next year.
  2. I … at home tomorrow.
  3.  … you be at home on Sunday?
  4. She … not at work on Monday.
  5. Where… you…in two days?
  6. We… not … in the country.
  7. He… a pilot when he grows up.
  8. I …at school.
  9. She …not a doctor, she … a teacher.
  10. It … a good idea.
  11. … they…in the park?
  12. We…not… in the garden.

2. Change the sentences into Future Ind.
  1. The pupils have dictations twice a week.
  2. I spend my summer holidays in the country.
  3. Our worker went to Kiev on Tuesday.
  4. She agrees with him.
  5. Our school year begins on the 1st of September.
  6. We don’t do our homework in the afternoon.
  7. My brother is a driver.
  8. I saw him at school.
  9. They were at the hospital.
  10. Her husband worked at the factory.

3. Make interrogative and negative sentences.
  1. She will cook breakfast for them.
  2. I shall see you on Monday.
  3. The boy will be seven next year.

4. Put the verb in the correct form, translate sentences.
  1. I (to see) them next Saturday.
  2. They (to be) here tomorrow.
  3. We (to have) the test in a week.
  4. Nick (to go) to school next week?
  5. You (to wait) for me?
  6. We (not to be) busy in the evening.
  7. Children (to come) back tomorrow?
  8. Sheila (not to get) passport next year.
  9. When she (to study) French?
  10. Why your father (to help) you?

5. Answer the questions.
  1. Will you go to school tomorrow?
  2. When will you help your mother about the house?
  3. How old are you? How old will you be next year?
  4. When will you finish the school?
  5. Will you go to the cinema on Saturday?
  6. Who will wake you up tomorrow morning?
  7. Will you listen the news before you go to bed?
  8. Where will you travel during next summer holidays?
  9. What will you do at weekends?
  10. Whom will you be in future?