Tuesday 19 April 2011


The decade of the 50s
Sam, a monkey that flew to a height of 88 km in 1958. (NASA).On August 31, 1950 the U.S. launched a mouse into space (at 137 km altitude) aboard a V-2 rocket (flight "Albert V", which, unlike the previous flights, "Albert" had not a monkey). More mice were later sent aboard ships, but none of them went on to achieve the technical level to be considered a space flight.On December 13, 1958, 
an intercontinental ballistic missile, Jupiter was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with a South American squirrel named "Gordo" who had received special training in the U.S. Navy. During the mission, the parachute system that would facilitate the landing of the capsule failed, and "Gordo" died in the collision.Telemetry data showed that during the return trip the animal survived a gravity 10 times that of Earth, 8 minutes of weightlessness and reentry to 16,000 km / h to 40 times gravity to the surface. The capsule that sank was 2,411 km away from Cape Canaveral and was never recovered.
Monkeys "Able" and "Baker" became the first monkeys to survive a space flight after flight of 1959. On 28 May of that year, the intercontinental ballistic missile AM-18 transported to "Able, a rhesus monkey (born American, 3.18 kg) and a Peruvian squirrel monkey 310 grams called" Baker. " Monkeys flew in front of the missile capsule (which theore
tically have nuclear warheads on a missile of that type) to an altitude of 579 km and a distance of 2,735 km out of the reach of the Atlantic system of rockets from Cape Canaveral, Florida Withstood a pressure 38 times higher than normal, being in weightlessness for 9 minutes. Throughout his 16-minute flight reached a top speed of 16,000 km / h. The monkeys survived in good condition. Unfortunately, "Able" died four days after the flight, due to a reaction to the anesthesia used in the operation was to withdraw an electrode infected. "Baker" lived up to the November 29, 1984 Space Center Huntsville, Alabama.
The U.R.S.S. launched on 29 January 1951 the draft R-1 IIIA-1, carrying the dogs Tsygan (In Russian, Цыган, "Gypsy"), and Dezik (Russian Дезик) into space, but not in orbit. Both space dogs survived the flight, although one died in a subsequent mission.The first animal in orbit was the dog Laika, who manned the Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957. Laika died during the flight. At least ten other dogs went into orbit and performed many other sub-orbital flights before the historic date of April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space.[Edit] The 60's
On January 31, 1961, Ham the Monkey was sent in a capsule inside a Redstone rocket, as part of Mercury, the Mercury-Redstone 2 mission. The monkey had been trained as levers to get 
bananas enable or prevent downloads eléctricas.1 His flight demonstrated the ability to perform during space flight. Just over 3 months later, NASA sent into space Aalan Shepard. Enos the chimp became the first monkey into orbit on November 29, 1961, in another Mercury capsule type, embedded in a Atlas rocket, Mercury-Atlas 5.The United States also sent in 1966 and 1967 animal cargo flight (I Biosatellite projects and Biosatellite I / II), which consisted of fruit flies, parasites, flour beetles, frog eggs, bacteria, amoebas and fungi number. Finally in 1969 was the first mission of more than a day manned by a monkey: it was Bonny, a monkey, was one of four U.S. monkey missions aboard rockets during the sixties.The U.R.S.S. organized the flight of Sputnik 5 (also known as Korabl-Sputnik 2), carrying the dogs Belka and Strelka. It was the first space mission to carry orbital altitude mammals and bring them to earth with life. One of the puppies Strelka, Pushinka, born after the mission, was the gift that Nikita Khrushchev gave Caroline Kennedy in 1961. Many of their descendants live today. Vostok flights Soviet Union 3a loaded mice and first with guinea pigs and ranas.2 As part of Voskhod, two Russian dogs, called "Veterok (Ветерок," little wind ") and Ugolyok (Уголёк "Amber"), entered the orbit 22 days before landing, 16 March 1966. This space travel holds the record for staying in space until 1974, when it was surpassed by the Skylab project (manned by humans), and it is still considered the dog stay in space longer. In the early 50's, a total of 57 Russian missions were manned by dogs. The actual number of dogs space is significantly less, since some of them flew more than once. Also directed by the Soviet Union, an unmanned rocket blasted off by a turtle September 14, 1968. Horsfield tortoise circumlunar made a flight with fruit flies, worms, meat and other live specimens.Were the first animals to go into deep space. The capsule was successfully recovered a week later.France, meanwhile, launched the first rat into space on February 22, 1961. Two more rats were released in October 1962. A year later (10/18/1963) launched the cat "Felix", with electrodes implanted in the head to measure neural impulses. Felix completed its mission and returned alive, but died the next cat in space travel. The last animals sent by France were two monkeys into space in March 1967.After the United States, Russia and France, Argentina was the fourth country to put living things in space and return them to earth. The first releases were done with mice and then to the Ape Juan. The Condor project was an advanced project with its own technology, but the great powers embedded in a military missile.
In this group of countries joined China, sending a passage of rats in 1964. A year later they repeated the experience, and in 1966 were two dogs that flew.[Edit] The 70's

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