Sunday 17 April 2011


The Amazing Spider-Girl (May "Mayday" Parker) is a fictional character, a superhero who belongs to a future alternative to the normal Marvel Universe (Earth 616), created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz as a spin-off character Spiderman.Character History
May "Mayday" Parker is the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane Parker in a future alternative to the traditional Marvel continuity (Earth 616), the MC2 Universe. In this universe, May was rescued from her kidnapping by gunmen of the Green Goblin by Kaine.After their rescue, Peter lost a leg during his terrible final battle with the Green Goblin. After that, Mr. Fantastic is offered to replace the loss of the other bionic leg to which Peter refused because it had decided to retire as a superhero to focus on being a good husband and father. For years, they hid their past May with the hope that had not inherited their powers.However, the powers of the time he woke up May 15. While Normie Osborn (the grandson of the original Green Goblin), obsessed with hatred continue with Parker, Peter tried to kill forcing May to adopt the personality to defeat Spider-girl.May share personality traits of both parents. Like her mother, is attractive, popular and open with people. His father takes his intelligence and enormous sense of responsibility. It is a very good athlete and great basketball player even without his powers.Unfortunately, his father seems to have inherited "luck of the Parker", by which his secret identity only bring misfortune on his personal life.In The Amazing Spider-girl, May has promised his parents to let her superhero identity, has a boyfriend and is presented to the School Board. However, when Mary Jane discovers that the Goblin threat to her daughter's friends, you give permission for May to return to his activities as Spider-girl.After an attempt to help the government agency SHIELD, accidentally escapes the symbiote Carnage, joining his friend Moose, who becomes the new Matanza. Matanza commit to save his father from his terminal cancer if it helps. Thus, small Matanza kidnaps Ben Parker and joined by a new symbiont. Finally, May defeat with a sonic weapon both small symbiont as Matanza, severely damaging the ear of his brother and earning the hatred of Moose unable to save his father. Fortunately, the intervention of Normie Osborn able to restore the ear of young Ben.Recently, Normie found in one of the old laboratory of his grandfather hiding a tank full of liquid it was a duplicate of May Parker. The notes left by Norman Osborn, indicate that this May is the original, kidnapped shortly after birth, and that May who stars in the series is a clone suyoMay Parker has inherited almost all the skills of his father, Peter Parker. Possesses superhuman strength) that allows you to lift 5 tons. weight), but lower than that of his father (10 tonnes).. Because your muscle power is less, also break their power is also lower than that of his father but, unlike him, she was a trained athlete before buying powers with his agility, reflexes and reaction time are higher than this.It has the ability to adhere to almost any surface and climb and walls and walls but, unlike his father (for which is as natural as breathing) in May will require a concentrated effort to exercise this skill.On the other hand, his spider sense is much more sensitive than his father, being able to use not only to know that there is a danger but to find out the weaknesses of an enemy. Feel differently the spider sense as the originator, you'll know that enemy attacks but does not see as well be fighting blind. Occasionally, his spider sense has provided views of events that will occur but can not control this ability.Another power is its ability to heal faster than a normal person .

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