Friday 22 April 2011


Jose: Do you remember that we have to do a project about a fable?
Vero’s student: yes, you are right. I've almost forgotten
Henry: I like ´The three Little Pigs ´
Vero’s: No, I don't like it. I prefer ´The gingerbread man´
Jose: This is my favourite one. I've got a book with this story in my house
Henry: But I don't know the characters
Vero’s: I know some of them – The gingerbread man
Junior 1: it is a cookie. It is brown and delicious. It has got a hat and candies
Vero’s: There is a cow…
Junior 1: It is a farm animal. It is fat, black and white
Vero’s: There is a horse…
Junior 1: It is a farm animal. It has got four legs and a long tail. It's tall
Vero’s: There is a pig…
Junior 1: It is a farm animal. It is very fat. It has got a short tail
Vero’s: There is a fox…
Junior 1: It is not a farm animal. It is brown and it is dangerous.

A-First Fable
GINGERBREAD MAN: Vero's student
CHARACTERS: Caw/ horse: Vero's student – Pig: Tiago / Fox: Tomas (Pre- teens)
STORY TELLERS: Virginia  / John / Cande
MORAL: Henry / Jose / Vero's Student

Virginia: Once upon a time I little old woman and a little old man who lived by themselves in a little old house wanted to have a child again. So she decided to make a gingerbread man. She made it and put it in the oven to bake. Suddenly the old woman heard a tiny voice calling.
(Gingerbread character) let me out! Let me out!
The gingerbread man went outside running. In his way he found a pig.
Pig: stop / stop I would like to eat you! You look delicious and I’m very hungry
The gingerbread man was too fast He run and said: run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me! I'm the gingerbread man.
John: Soon the gingerbread man met a cow stop, stop little man mooed the caw you look very good to eat. Stop and give me a bite to eat
Cande: Again the gingerbread man was too fast and said run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me! I'm the gingerbread man.
Cande: The cow began to chase the gingerbread man along with the pig and suddenly the gingerbread man met a horse
I’m hungry I want to eat you little man give a nibble
Virginia: The horse joined the chase. The gingerbread man laughed and laughed, until he came to a river
Gingerbread man: Oh no!  They will catch me! How can I cross the river?
John: a sly fox came out from behind a tree fox: I can help you cross the river. Jump onto my tail and I will swim across.
Gingerbread man: you won’t eat me, will you?
Fox: of course not! I just want to help!
Cande: the gingerbread man climbed onto the fox's tail and soon the gingerbread man began to get wet. Fox: climb onto my back.
Cande: so the gingerbread man did. As he swam the fox said.
 Fox: you are too heavy. I'm tired. Jump onto my nose.
Cande:  so the gingerbread man did as he was told
Virginia: no sooner had they reached the other side, than the fox tossed  the gingerbread man up in the air. He opened his mouth and snap! That was the end of the gingerbread man

MORAL: Don't brag! Or you will pay the price. Also don't let others trick you!

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