Monday 10 December 2012


Irregular verbs
  •  Verbs that change one letter

1.   Become – became become
2.   Come – came – come

  •   Verbs that are equal in the three columns

1.   Burst- burst – burst
2.   Cost – cost - cost
3.   Cut – cut – cut
4.   Hit – hit – hit
5.   Hurt – hurt – hurt
6.   Let – let – let
7.   Shut – shut – shut

  •   Verbs with the same past and participle form
a) Buy – bought – bought
b) Bring – brought – brought
c)  Catch – caught – caught
d) Fight – fought - fought
e) Teach – taught – taught
f)   Think – thought – thought

Build – built – built
Deal – dealt – dealt
Feed – fed –fed
Feel – felt – felt
Find – found – found
Get – got – got
Have – had – had
Hear – heard – heard
Hold – held – held
Keep – kept – kept
Lead – led - led
Lear – learnt – learnt
Leave – left – left
Lend – lent – lent
Light – lit – lit
Lose – lost – lost
Make – made – made
Mean – meant – meant
Meet – met – met
Pay – paid – paid
Read – read – read
Say – said – said
Sell – sold – sold
Send – sent – sent
Shine – shone – shone
Sit – sat – sat
Sleep – slept – slept
Smell – smelt – smelt
Spend – spent – spent
Stand – stood – stood
Tell - told – told
Win – won – won

  •   Three different columns
Begin – began – begun
Drink – drank - drunk
Ring – rang – rung
Swim – swam – swum
Blow – blew – blown
Break – broke – broken
Choose – chose - chosen
Drive – drove – driven
Do – did - done
Fall – fell – fallen
Fly – flew – flown
Freeze – froze – frozen
Give – gave – given
Go – went - gone
Grow – grew – grown
Know – knew - known
Ride – rode – ridden
See – saw – seen
Speak – spoke – spoken
Steal – stole – stolen
Take – took – taken
Throw – threw – thrown
Wake – woke - woken
Wear – wore – worn
Write – wrote – written

Sunday 18 November 2012



1.      A-He was on the edge of the frozen North. B- There was a storm. C- He found two men. An enormous being, the shape of a man (8 feet tall) and a man of average size who was weak

2.       A-His parents, his two brothers, Ernest and William, and his adopted sister Elizabeth. B- The first thing that changed his life was seeing a tree burnt down by lightning because that experience made him realised the incredible power of nature. He thought that if that power could wipe out life, it could also destroy life. The second thing that changed his life was his mother’s death because he loved her very much and it was her love that kept his family very close. C- She asked Victor that he had to take her place then and that he had to keep the family together and looked after his brothers. She also asked him to marry Elizabeth.

3.       A- Professor Waldmann was Victor’s professor at the University of Ingolstadt where we went to study Natural Sciences. B- The professor wanted to destroy his job because it could change the way to see the world forever and it was dangerous to find out the meaning of life. C- Victor tried to remember everything as they destroy the work and he wrote it down later.

4.       A-He wanted to create a perfect being, the son every father dreams of; intelligent, handsome, loving and kind. B- He used different parts from many bodies, Professor Walmann’s brain and a kite to attract electricity C- the result of the experiment was a kind of yellow and wrinkled human being with the face of skeleton. It was very tall (8 feet tall) and with a lot of scars. D- Victor was frightened. He screamed and ran away because he was sure that he was coming to kill him. E- After that Victor fell ill and went to stay with his friend Henry Clerval and it took him a month to recover.

5.       A-Justine was accused of killing Victor’s brother, William. She was found guilty because they found William’s locket in the pocket of a coat she was wearing that day. B- So they put her in prison. Finally, a judge ordered that she be hanged.

6.       A-It believed it was a world of love but the people were afraid of him and it felt that it was a world of hate. B- While the creature was looking for a safe place, he saved a girl from drowning but the people threw stones to it instead of thanked it. C- In an old hut nearby, in the woods there was a cottage. A blind man treated him well and hidden in that house he learnt how to write and read. He discovered how he was created. One of the members thought that he was going to hurt the blind man and he screamed.

7.       A- It felt that it was a world of hate. B-It asked Victor to make him a wife.

8.       A – He agreed at the beginning because if he didn’t do that he would kill his family. B- He destroyed his work when he saw the monster because he realised that what he was doing was mad. C-The creature screamed, cried like a baby and went mad.

9.       A-Victor was afraid because the monster wanted to kill Elizabeth after the wedding. B- It killed Elizabeth and victor felt emptiness and wanted to kill the monster

10.     A- at the very end of the story the creature was standing over Frankenstein’s dead body. It said that killing Victor’s family was the only way to hurt him.  B- The monster wanted to kill himself. C- the moral of the story is ¨ That people are more important that knowledge¨ D- Finally, the captains send Victor’s notes to Ernest, Frankenstein’s brother.

Sunday 4 November 2012



·     Vocabulary:

-    Adjectives to describe personality : friendly, sensitive, ambitious , determined, intelligent. Practical, sensible

-Personal qualities: stylish, skilful, cheerful, generous, confident, shy, innocent, tolerant

-Prefixes and suffixes

·     Grammar and functions:

-Adverbs of degree:

- Present perfect+ still (with negative sentences - It goes before hasn’t / haven’t), yet (negative and interrogative – I goes at the end of the sentence) , just and already (with affirmative sentences – They go between has / have and the verb)

- Present perfect: for + period of time: for two days / for ages / for a long time / for the last week  and since + point in time: since June, since I was a child, since last week

- Present perfect and past simple

- Order of adjectives

·     WRITING: a passage describing a person’s appearance and character. A biography of a famous actor, musician or  sports star

Unit Five

·     Vocabulary:  School life :

a-  Verbs: get good marks, pass / fail an exam, play truant, cheat, revise for a test, copy a friend’s work, take an exam, bully, leave school, get a qualification, expel, suspend

b-            Nouns: mixed school, single sex school, state school, school-leaving age, boarding school, school holiday, school uniform, home-schooling

c- America  English

·     Grammar and functions:

-Should / shouldn’t (advice / recommendation)

- Must (internal obligation) / mustn’t (internal prohibition)

- Have to (external obligation) / don’t have to (no obligation)

- Agreeing / disagreeing

- Asking for and giving advice (page 54 /55)

-Expressing opinions

- Ordering information

·     WRITING: a composition about referring to obligations at home and at school. A passage giving  their opinion about school uniforms. A composition about different types of schools. A dialogue to ask for and give advice. A paragraph using linkers. Firstly, secondly, also finally


Unit six

·     Vocabulary:

-    Action and protest : publicize, campaign, boycott

-Negative prefixes: -un, -in, -im

-Phrasal verbs:

a-Look after, wipe out, set up, carry on, end up, join in and sign in

b- Environment

·     Grammar and functions:

-Will ( to express certainty about the future) and might (to express possibility about the future)

- Making suggestions: will and might: That should / could / might help a bit (page 59)

- Negative prefixes: -un, -in, -im

- First conditional: (possible situation) if simple present, simple future ( to describe the result) / simple future if + simple present – to talk about a likely or possible future situation and to describe its result

- Be going to+ infinitives to talk about plans and intentions  and will +infinitives to talk about predictions and instant decisions - Present continuous for future arrangements

·     WRITING: a passage about a problem in the community or school and possible solutions. An interview about a protest and a formal letter

Unit seven

·     Vocabulary:

-    Books and films - Genres: comedy, thriller, medical drama, fantasy, mystery, musical, western, romance, cartoon, science fiction  was , horror, spy, adventure

-Features: beginning, ending, special effects, setting - Film making

·     Grammar and functions:

-Expressing likes and dislikes: like, hate, enjoy, don’t mind, can’t stand, love + -ing / want, I’d like, I would like to + infinitive

- Talking about imaginary situations: Second Conditional: if simple past, conditional f/ Conditional if + simple past

- Suffixes: -er and -or

·     WRITING: a dialogue about good and bad books and films. A review of abook or a film

Saturday 3 November 2012




Starter unit

§ Vocabulary: adjectives / routines. Boring, cheap, clean, common, far, dangerous, difficult, easy, exciting, expensive, healthy, heavy, light, noisy, unhealthy, weak, safe, get home, get the bus, go shopping, tidy your room, wake up

§ Language Focus: comparative and superlative adjectives / present simple.

1. Comparing: much better than..., a bit / a lot, more interesting than..., not as (interesting) as..., as (good) as

2. Time Word: on (Thursdays / Thursday evenings / at the weekend / at night / at (about) seven o’clock / in the morning / afternoon / evening / every (Friday) / twice / (three times) a (week, a month, etc)

Unit one

3. Vocabulary:

ü Television: Advert, audition,  audience, broadcast, channel,  character, game show, news, medical drama participant, show, sitcom, soap opera, sports programme, presenter, profit, quiz show, talent show, TV channel / programme / viewer / weather forecast

ü My news: you look happy / sad / fed up / pleased, I’ve got some amazing / good / bad / terrible news, Really?, tell me all about it, what happened?, you are kidding!, how did it go?, that’s good news, what’s your news? Oh, no news, really

§ Language Focus: Past Simple

1. Comparing opinions: in my opinion / (there are a lot ) / I think (the answer is a...) /I agree with you / I don’t agree / I think so, too, / I’m not sure / I don’t think so

2. Talking about News: you look happy / fed up / pleased, I've got some amazing / good / bad news, Really?, Tell me about it, What happened?, You are kidding!, That’s good news, What’s your news?

Unit two


ü Household Goods: Bar, barbecue, basket, bottle top, box, carton, can, crate, glass, jar, jug, mug, roll and saucer

ü Pollution and environment:  throw away, bury, pollute, reuse, waste, recycle, destroy, burn, poison, save, polystyrene cups, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, waste food, washing powder, used cooking oil, plastic bottles, paper bags, glass jars, old newspaper, plastic sandwich boxes, bottle tops

Language Focus:

·                        Relative clauses: who + people / which + things and animals / that +people, things and animals / where + places

·      Saying numbers: much / many / a lot of / some / any. Too much /U) + noun/ too many (C) + noun / enough / not enough

Unit three

·     Vocabulary:

-    Internet :email, instant messaging, file sharing, blog , download,  , post a message, personal webpage, chat room, online games, search engine, webcam, send an email attachment, virtual, real, psychologists

-    Cybercrime: hacker, virus, anti-virus software, inbox  password, firewall, spam, phishing, spam filter

·     Grammar and functions:

·     Present perfect: regular / irregular verbs – questions

·     Phrases to know: What is it? / What´s the matter? / I’m afraid  (I lost your file) / I didn’t mean to / I don’t know how it happened / I'm really sorry / Don’t worry / It won’t happened again