Sunday 4 November 2012



·     Vocabulary:

-    Adjectives to describe personality : friendly, sensitive, ambitious , determined, intelligent. Practical, sensible

-Personal qualities: stylish, skilful, cheerful, generous, confident, shy, innocent, tolerant

-Prefixes and suffixes

·     Grammar and functions:

-Adverbs of degree:

- Present perfect+ still (with negative sentences - It goes before hasn’t / haven’t), yet (negative and interrogative – I goes at the end of the sentence) , just and already (with affirmative sentences – They go between has / have and the verb)

- Present perfect: for + period of time: for two days / for ages / for a long time / for the last week  and since + point in time: since June, since I was a child, since last week

- Present perfect and past simple

- Order of adjectives

·     WRITING: a passage describing a person’s appearance and character. A biography of a famous actor, musician or  sports star

Unit Five

·     Vocabulary:  School life :

a-  Verbs: get good marks, pass / fail an exam, play truant, cheat, revise for a test, copy a friend’s work, take an exam, bully, leave school, get a qualification, expel, suspend

b-            Nouns: mixed school, single sex school, state school, school-leaving age, boarding school, school holiday, school uniform, home-schooling

c- America  English

·     Grammar and functions:

-Should / shouldn’t (advice / recommendation)

- Must (internal obligation) / mustn’t (internal prohibition)

- Have to (external obligation) / don’t have to (no obligation)

- Agreeing / disagreeing

- Asking for and giving advice (page 54 /55)

-Expressing opinions

- Ordering information

·     WRITING: a composition about referring to obligations at home and at school. A passage giving  their opinion about school uniforms. A composition about different types of schools. A dialogue to ask for and give advice. A paragraph using linkers. Firstly, secondly, also finally


Unit six

·     Vocabulary:

-    Action and protest : publicize, campaign, boycott

-Negative prefixes: -un, -in, -im

-Phrasal verbs:

a-Look after, wipe out, set up, carry on, end up, join in and sign in

b- Environment

·     Grammar and functions:

-Will ( to express certainty about the future) and might (to express possibility about the future)

- Making suggestions: will and might: That should / could / might help a bit (page 59)

- Negative prefixes: -un, -in, -im

- First conditional: (possible situation) if simple present, simple future ( to describe the result) / simple future if + simple present – to talk about a likely or possible future situation and to describe its result

- Be going to+ infinitives to talk about plans and intentions  and will +infinitives to talk about predictions and instant decisions - Present continuous for future arrangements

·     WRITING: a passage about a problem in the community or school and possible solutions. An interview about a protest and a formal letter

Unit seven

·     Vocabulary:

-    Books and films - Genres: comedy, thriller, medical drama, fantasy, mystery, musical, western, romance, cartoon, science fiction  was , horror, spy, adventure

-Features: beginning, ending, special effects, setting - Film making

·     Grammar and functions:

-Expressing likes and dislikes: like, hate, enjoy, don’t mind, can’t stand, love + -ing / want, I’d like, I would like to + infinitive

- Talking about imaginary situations: Second Conditional: if simple past, conditional f/ Conditional if + simple past

- Suffixes: -er and -or

·     WRITING: a dialogue about good and bad books and films. A review of abook or a film

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