Wednesday 16 November 2011


1. Certain verbs: agree, appear, afford, want, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse.
2. Specific preference: would like, would love, would prefer.
3. Ask, learn, etc. + question words except why: explain, decide, find out, want, etc.
1. Feelings: happy, sad, glad, etc.
2. Willingness: willing, eager, reluctant.
3. Character: it was kind / clever of him to ...
4. Fortunate / lucky: He was lucky to ...
5. Too/ enough: It's too difficult to explain.
6. It + be + adj.: It is important/ easy to.
7. Be the first, second, next, last: She is always the last one to arrive at meetings.
1. Purpose: He works to get paid, not because he enjoys it.
2. Unexpected event (with only): He spent ages negotiating for a pay increase, only to resign from his job soon after he'd received it.
3. Expressions (to tell you the truth, to be honest): To be quite truthful with you, I never really liked the man.
Pronouns, nouns
1. After something, anything, etc.: There is nothing much to do in that town.
2. It + be + noun: It was her ambition to become a model.

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