Wednesday 16 November 2011


1) Vocabulary
  • He is getting married …………………………
  • He performs the wedding ceremony ………………………………..
  • People invited to the wedding ………………………………………
  • She is getting married ………………………………………………
2) Grammar: Fill in with    don´t have to  // have to  // can  // musn´t  // needn´t  // can´t
Wacky Weddings : A list of wacky weddings for you to choose from
  • Say “I do” with tropical fish as your invited guests! You ………………be an expert diver, but inexperienced couples …………………….take lessons. A coral bouquet is included in the price.
  • Skydive and parachute to the ceremony! You …………… this without going on a course of diving lessons.
  • Get married on a river or in a quiet cave. You …………………be experienced canoeists but you ………………be able to swim. Non-swimmers …………..choose this type of wedding.
  • Are you a fan of the “King of Rock and Roll”? Then we think this is the wedding for you. You ………….get married outside the front gates of Graceland, his old mansion home. We have just one rule: the groom ………………dress up like him.
  • Exchange rings 4,000 m  above sea level -  then ski down together after the ceremony! But you ………………do it. Instead, you…………….ride down in a snowmobile or ski lift.
1) Vocabulary
  • Party to celebrate that you have a new house
  • Party where you dress up like famous characters
  • Type of clothes worn at informal parties
2) Grammar: Giving Advice:
Fill in with  don´t have to  // it´s (not) a good idea to // should (x2) // shouldn´t (x2)
  • You ………….drink too much at parties.
  • If it´s very formal, you ………………….dress smartly.
  • It´s …………………arrive late for a dinner party.
  • Nowadays, for most parties you………….be too formal.
  • You…………….always thank your host when you leave.
  • You……………….accept a lift home from someone you don´t know.
  • It´s ……………………..take a present to a birthday party.
3) MULTI-PART VERBS: Write an example sentence for each verb
depend on: to vary according to the situation ………………………………………………………………
put (clothes) on: to put clothes onto your body …………………………………………………………….
get together: to meet other people to celebrate something or just to talk for a while………………………
dress up: to wear smart clothes……………………………………………………………………………..
turn up: to arrive at a place………………………………………………………………………………….
UNIT 15:
Grammar: Order of Adjectives – Put these adjectives below in the correct order
  • At home there is a …………………..table in the dinning room.  (beautiful / wooden / square)
  • The gallery exhibited mainly…………….paintings.  (old / strange / French)
  • A ………….car was parked opposite my house. ( sports / Italian / new / shiny)
  • John was given a ………………kitten by his sister. (black / adorable / little / Persian)
  • I have bought a …………plate. (French / old / square / nice / china / white / big)

1) Vocabulary

  …………………      ……………… ………    ……………….
2) Grammar.  Comparatives / Superlatives: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the adjective
  • We like wearing …………………..(late) fashion.
  • Your hair is …………(curly).than mine.
  • These trousers are …………….(comfortable) that my old jeans.
  • Paul´s new car is …………..(good) as his friend´s.
  • You are …………..(pretty) girl in the class.
  • She is …………(happy) now than she was last year.
  • I am ………..(bad) as you at Maths and Physics.
  • That showman always tells …………..(funny) jokes.
1) Vocabulary
  • The opposite of organic food………………………………………………..
  • Food already cooked that you just buy and eat …………………………….
  • Food that is put into cans for sale …………………………………………..
  • Food that is not frozen ………………………………………………………
2) Grammar: MULTI- PART VERBS .  Make example sentences for each verb
Get (something): to buy / obtain ……………………………………………………….
Get up: to come out of bed ……………………………………………………………..
Get into (something): to enter ………………………………………………………….
Get  + adjective: to become …………………………………………………………...
Get on with (someone): to have a good relationship …………………………………..
UNIT 19 :
1) Vocabulary: Write example sentences to illustrate the meaning
  • Collect money …………………………………………………………………..
  • Lose money ……………………………………………………………………..
  • Make money …………………………………………………………………….
  • Win money……………………………………………………………………….
  • Save money………………………………………………………………………
2) Grammar: Expressions of Quantity for countable and uncountable nouns. Fill in the gaps
  • If there is …….money in my purse, I won’t buy the magazine.
  • To make a delicious custard, you need just …………….sugar and three eggs.
  • Too…………..students in the same classroom make teaching very difficult.
  • Although the band is very famous in the U.S.A., just …………people went to the concert.
  • ……….my dog ……my cat love crisps.
1) Vocabulary
  • An account where you keep your money to save……………………………………………………
  • Money that you borrow from a bank ………………………………………………………………..
  • Ways of paying for something that you have purchased ……………………………………………
2) MULTI-PART VERBS: Write example sentences
  • Put (money) into a bank account. to deposit money ………………………………………………..
  • Save up: to gather money in order to spend it later …………………………………………………
  • Give (money) away: to donate money ……………………………………………………………
  • Take (money) out: to withdraw money …………………………………………………………….
  • Shop around: to go from shop to shop before buying …………………………………………
  • Look for: search for………………………………………………………………………………….
  • Ask for: to request ………………………………………………………………………………

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