Tuesday 11 September 2012




We use will, won’t and might to talk about predictions based on opinions: something that we believe or calculate.

We use might when we are not sure about something.

Adverbs like certainly, probably, definitely are used to say how sure our prediction is.

We use going to for predictions based on evidence.

1. Watch a short segment form

Deep Impact and complete the sentences from the President’s speech with will or might.

a) It's a bit complicated, so it (1)__________ take some time, so I hope you (2)

___________ bear with me, hear what I have to say.

b) If this comet continues on its path around the sun and keeps its present course, sometime on August 16

th roughly a year from now, there's a chance that we (3) __________ have impact.

c) In 2 months, they (4)__________ leave on the shuttle "Atlantis" to board the "Messiah". This is the crew that (5) ___________ stop the comet.

d) Our society (6)

___________ continue as normal. Work (7) ___________ go on. You (8) _________ pay your bills. There (9) __________ be no hoarding. There (10) __________be no sudden profiteering. I'm freezing all wages, all prices. What a bottle of water cost you yesterday... it (11)__________ cost you tomorrow.

2. Make your own predictions on what you think will happen after the P

resident’s speech.

a) __________________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________________

3. Now watch another segment of the film and complete the extract with

will or going to.

We're on, Mr President.

Our missiles have failed. The comets are still headed for Earth... and there's nothing we can do to stop them. So, this is it. If the world does go on... it (1)

__________ not go on for everyone.

We have now been able to calculate the comets' final trajectories, and we have determined where they (2)

____________ strike. The smaller of the 2 comets, Biederman, (3)__________ hit first, somewhere along the Atlantic Seaboard probably in the waters off the coast of Cape Hatteras in just under 12 hours at 4:35 p.m. Eastern daylight time. The impact of the comet (4)___ __________ be... Well, disastrous.

There (5)

______________ be a very large tidal wave moving quickly through the Atlantic Ocean. It


_____________ be 100 feet high, travelling at 1100 miles an hour. That's faster than the speed of sound.

As the wave reaches shallow water, it (7) _

____________ slow down, but the wave height, depending on the depth of the shelf off the coast,(8) _____________ be anywhere from 1000 to 4500 feet high. Where the land is flat, the wave (9) _____________ wash inland 600 to 700 miles. The wave (10) ___________ hit our nation's capital 40 minutes after impact.

New York City, Boston, Atlanta, Philadelphia... all (11)

____________ be destroyed. If you have any means of getting away from the path of this wave, leave now.

The impact of the larger comet (12) ____________be nothing less than an extinction-level event. It (13)_____________ strike land in Western Canada 3 hours after Biederman. Within a week, the skies (14)_____________ be dark with dust from the impact and they (15) ____________ stay dark for 2 years.

All plant life (16) ____________ be dead within... 4 weeks. Animal life within... a few months.

So that's it.

Good luck to us all.

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