Sunday 13 May 2012


o HABBO: is an online virtual hotel world aimed at teenagers. It opened in 2000 and there are now over100 million avatars. Avatars can move around the hotel and chat to others, and also shop for clothes and furniture for their room.
WORLD OF WARCRAFT: is an online role- playing game, which has over 11 million monthly subscribers. Avatars explore a fantasy landscape, fighting monsters, completing quests and interacting with other players.
o CYBERCRIME: criminal activity that involves the use of computers or the internet
HACKER: someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other people’s computer systems
o PHISHING: the criminal activity of sending emails or having a website that is intended to trick someone into giving away information such as their bank account number or their computer PASSWORD. This information is then used to get money or goods.
o SPAM: email messages that a computer user has not asked for and does not want to read, for example from someone who is advertising something: You can filter out spam with special software.
SPAM FILTER:  a piece of equipment or computer program that only allows certain sounds, images, signals, types of information etc to pass through it :  The firm uses electronic filters to prevent workers from accessing the Internet.
VIRUS: a set of instructions secretly put onto a computer or computer programme, which can destroy information. When a computer that has a virus makes a connection with another computer, for example by EMAIL, the virus can make copies of itself and move to the other computer and clean up the virus
o ANTI-VIRUS: a type of SOFTWARE that looks for and removes VIRUSes in programs and documents on your computer: You need to update your anti-virus software regularly. You can download this software for free. It can protect your computer
o FIREWALL: it is a software which protects  a computer from outside attacks by hackers 
INBOX: the place in a computer email programme where new messages arrive
PASSWORD: a secret group of letters or numbers that you must type into a computer before you can use a system or program: Enter your password, and then click on the ‘proceed’ icon. /Give your user name and password.

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