Saturday 3 December 2011


G-FORCE “I’m pretty sure this is animal cruelty… but I LOVE it!!”?
1.  Watch the Trailer to G-Force and answer the following questions:
a)    What has US Government done for over a hundred
b)    Which animals were trained?
c)    What were they trained to do?
d)    What project has US Government developed?
e)    What is their mission?

2.  There are 5 members in the G-Force team. Write down the functions of each team member and their duties within the team. Use the following words to help you with the duties: crack, distract, supply, watch, search, lead, fight, report. You can add any other verbs you think appropriate.

Team Member





3.  Think about qualities of a good secret agent and complete the sentences.
A good secret agent:
Must __________________________________________________________
Doesn’t have to __________________________________________________
Can ___________________________________________________________
Mustn’t ________________________________________________________
Needs to _______________________________________________________
Can ___________________________________________________________
Ought to _______________________________________________________

4.  Look at the pictures and discuss the questions.

a)   How do we use these animals to help us?
b)   What other animals do we use? How?
c)   Could animals be used as secret agents? How?

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