Tuesday 7 June 2011


Hello! My name is John and I am 11 years old. I am tall and slim and i have green eyes. I have shot and brown hair, big eyes and a little mouse. I am always good tempered, sometimes honest, kind and a lot of times I am mean because I love money! I practise football from 7:00 to 9:00. We play two hours because it is winter and half an hour we have P.E. I am good as defender, but I am bad as goal keeper. My favourite food is hamburger but I hate salad.
   I have good marks at school, except in language, because I don’t understand a lot of things! But I am the best student at maths and music!!! Those are one the most difficult subjects (only in my school)!!! I’m in favour of protecting animals in danger of extinction. I read a page about the animals in danger of extinction, it was horrible. I realized the damage we produce killing that poor animals! I joined a page called Greenpeace that protect them.
   I admire a lot of people, but the person who I admire the most is the policeman. He puts his life in danger to save our lives. My imaginary hero is Superman. He is a Marvel's comic that can fly, can run fast and kill the villains with a laser. He first appeared on December 20th, 1930. He was created by Marvel enterprise that creates villains and heroes for their comics. It was created in Miami, Florida.

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