Sunday 20 March 2011


What we stand for

We stand for three big ideas:
·             There is a tomorrow
We need to use the planet like there is a tomorrow. This means living within the limits of the natural world.
·             Everyone gets a fair share
Everyone, everywhere, now and tomorrow, deserves to have a good life.
·             Change the rules
We need to change the rules so that the economy works for people and the environment, not pit one against the other
Friends of the Earth seek to influence the government to make changes to policies in favour of people and planet.
It's not just what we do but the way we do it. We raise the issues but we also realize that to make things happen we need to:
·             Focus on the solution
We look for better alternatives to what's already out there
·             Back it up with facts
We base everything on credible research
·             Get lots of people involved
We make it easy for you to act.
·             Use our network
We have access to 77 Friends of the Earth international groups and 230 local groups in the UK
It's good to get involved in something that's positive rather than falling into the trap of thinking there's nothing you can do.
See also:
·             Friends of the Earth International
An international network of environmental groups.
We are a member.
·             Our local Friends of the Earth groups
Autonomous yet part of us.
Is there one in your area?
Natural Resources
The Earth. It's a beautiful place - and our only home.
We all depend on a healthy planet to give us vital life-supporting things like clean water, food and breathable air.
But life on Earth faces some serious threats - from rainforest destruction to climate change
The good news? It's not too late for a cure.
And you can be part of the generation that saves it.
Want to help? Read on and we'll get you started.
Each tip will help you green your lifestyle just a little bit more.
Principio del formulario
Send an e-card and save a tree
Every year hundreds of thousands of trees are pulped to create the cards we send.
By sending electronic greeting cards you can help prevent this from happening. It's free, fast and you can send as many as you want.
Just follow the six steps below:
Get involved
The success of Friends of the Earth campaigns depends on people like you getting involved. And there's lots you can do.

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